Closet time! Closet time!

The cool air is finally trickling into our area and this month, many of us will be switching out our summer wardrobes for toasty sweaters, long-sleeved shirts and leggings. If you have a family, you may find yourself doing it in many closets in your home. This is a perfect time to take an honest look at what you actually need to keep and what you can toss out. If you are renting for Masters, each bedroom will need hanging space. If you have large bedrooms, it is fine to place a hanging rack and fresh hangers somewhere in the bedroom, but if your rooms are small, you'll need to make space in your closets to accommodate your renter's clothing. This is normally done by pushing your clothing to the side and perhaps covering them with a piece of pretty fabric, leaving your guests a clear place in which to place their clothing. I buy a large box of pretty hangers each year for Masters as a uniform set of new hangers in each room is much more welcoming than the jumble of hangers we all acquire from dry cleaners, etc... We also tie green ribbons on the drawers and closets that have been cleared for renters so they can easily go to their spaces upon entering a bedroom. Take this pre-holiday time to tackle your clothing closets as once the holidays are over, your real work of preparation will begin. You'll be glad to have the task of closet organization behind you!
- Laurie Easterlin is the author of "So You're Renting Your Home for the Tournament" and is available to talk to women's groups and garden clubs about her system of creating a gracious space for Masters renters.