Stuff, Stuff, Stuff

Tis the season to...acquire. In about a week, you will have more boxes of "stuff" than you've had in a year. And if you are like our family, you have a house full of decorations that will go back into storage after the holidays. This is a perfect time to think about where you are storing things and where you will store things during Masters week. If your holiday decor stores in the attic, this might be a good time to reorganize that space, getting rid of things that have lived in the shadows for years. We took the plunge last year and decided to move our Christmas decor to a walk in closet downstairs, as our Christmas boxes are heavy. That meant rethinking our main floor closets. Start the new year with a good does of realism. Do you really need all of the coats, suitcases, toys, sporting gear? Last year, I made a decision to cull down my clothing to just two closets. I love the choices in both and I do not miss anything I gave away. So, next Monday, if you are looking at your home and wondering if you really need all of the stuff you see, take a bold step and get rid of the clutter to create spaces that work for you. Create areas to store things during Masters week. Create closets that are organized and reflect what you really use in daily life. You will be so much happier in April when you leave your home to your renters in a much more organized fashion. Happy Holidays!