What If I'm Not Rented?
It is mid-January, the beginning of Masters prep time and you don't have a renter. This happens on occasion, and I simply plow through, knowing that a Masters-ready rental will likely find a perfect match, so I move forward with great anticipation. It is also important to know that this year, Masters Sunday is Easter Sunday. When that occurs, in years past, it has meant a slight decrease in folks renting homes during that Easter weekend. BUT, it is better to prepare anyway. Some renters book later and you want the process of saying yes to a rental to be a no-brainer.
This is a great time to work on your dormant flower beds and landscaping. Get pinestraw delivered. Rake out the old and set in the new before plants begin popping back up. We will add a layer of fresh pinestraw just prior to Masters. We also clean out our outdoor shed this month, blissfully free of mosquitos and August heat. You want to be sure that your outdoor spaces are ready for the incoming plants, furniture, and lighting that makes a Masters rental special.
Tackle the garage, attic....all the areas that tend to get hot as the spring comes in. Masters seems SO FAR AWAY but once we hit February, we are in full prep mode. Get these outer spaces out of the way and be on YOUR way to a perfect prep experience.
And if the worst case scenario comes and you do not rent? You will have just performed the most marvelous spring cleaning, which you and your family will enjoy for the rest of the year.
Happy Prepping!
Laurie Easterlin is a realtor with Keller Williams (LaurieErealty.com), a home stager and professional Masters preparation specialist. To learn more about her services, please visit: Staged2aTee.com