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Based on the book: 

Time to Really Chow Down for Masters Prep

It's nearing mid-February and one of the goal for this week is....meal planning. What has THAT got to do with Masters, you may ask. Lots. If you are renting, your guests need space in your refrigerator and pantry. We take this time to meal plan in order to create space for our guests. We have two refrigerators and a large freezer, but a bit of planning at this point, as well as some mindful purchasing, make the clean out of the primary refrigerator much easier, prior to Masters week. Although it is fine to leave a few condiments on refrigerator doors, we leave one refrigerator completely empty for them, and we clear two shelves in our pantry for their incoming food.

Over the last two weeks, you've been cleaning your storage spaces and public areas. This week, concentrate on your more personal spaces....bedrooms and baths. This is a good time to organize closets and drawers. Where will your guests hang and store clothing? We opt to have our guests use clothing rods in rooms that easily accommodate them, and we clear closet space in smaller rooms. Your guests will need access to a few drawers in each bedroom. We also have luggage stands for guests to use during their stay.

This is a good time to truly clean below and behind all beds. If you have mattresses that need to be flipped, this is a good time to do that, vacuuming the lower portions of bed frames. Are your mattress covers in perfect condition? Wash your bedspreads and dust ruffles. Check that you have two pristine sets of sheets for each bed. Have you slept in each bed? Take a nap on beds you are not sure of while there is still time to replace worn mattresses.

Children's rooms may need special attention. Where will you tuck toys and child decor out of site? Do you have adult bedding and decor that can bring a child's room up to an adult standard? This is the time to scour discount stores for your planning.

Organize each bathroom and check rugs, shower curtains, and most importantly shower curtain liners. Your bathrooms (including tubs, ceilings, windows) should be free of any sign of mold. Clean behind commodes and check for any leaks. Are there plungers in EVERY bathroom? Clean out trash bins. Clean cabinets and shelving. Be sure there will be a place to stack towels. Each commode in our house has a pretty basket nearby, filled with toilet tissue. Decide how you can organize each bath so all needs are in site. Don't make guests guess.

As always, your attention to the broader scope of your home this month will make your tasks next month SO much easier. Happy prepping!


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